Saturday, March 19, 2011

First test

Jeez, I blocked out the whole day to get this far...

So all this does so far is pop up a window with the active webcam and it snaps a picture when I hit the space bar. I started off with the example program that OpenCV comes with that just pops open the camera window until you hit "esc". I added another "cv.WaitKey()" statement and then read the documentation to figure out how to use "cv.SaveImage()". The part that took the longest was figuring out the filename string handling. I googled how to get the time and then figured out with trial and error how to get individual elements of the returned structure (very c-like) and then read a bit into "Dive Into Python" to figure out how to put it all together (I needed a "sprintf" type function).

Total time? Maybe an hour not counting the several hours last night getting Python+numpy+OpenCV installed.

Complaints: No brackets, very white-space sensitive (but this is a big feature of the language so whatever). There seem to be many ways of doing the same thing. I could have handled the string shoveling in line 14 in a thousand different ways. The way I used makes sense to me because it's C-like (printf, sprintf).

Compliments: RAPID development. Notepad++ on the left, command console on the right. Edit, run, edit, run.

For the future: Right now it's just dumping the .jpg files into the same directory it's being run in. I need to learn how to not only point to directories, but MAKE directories (called the date) and then put the files in the right place.

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