Monday, March 19, 2012

adding PE projects

I've been working to consolidate my Project Euler solutions into one big program, and so far using Git and GitHub have been working out splendidly. I added the first 4 projects, and now I'm working to add the next 6 or 7 which I have scattered between several computers.

Luckily the next several are on my Macbook, which has Git and GCC and is completely identical to the Linux box (at the level I'm working with it anyways). So, I have been trying to find a Git workflow that allows me to add and commit to the remote repo from OS X, and put the finishing touches in Linux.

Pre-step (did once): Clone the master git repository.

Step 1: Find file in OS X, verify it works in the original XCode project I made it in.
Step 2: Go to the local OS X repo directory and run "git pull", which gets all the latest changes I have made
Step 3: Copy over the existing PE solution to the local repo directory, and rename it appropriately
Step 4: Add, commit, then push to the remote repo
Step 5: Go to the local Linux repo directory and run "git pull"
Step 6: Make changes, add, commit, push.

Now what I've outlined is a very simple case. Typically I make a new branch on the OS X side, push that branch to the repo, pull that branch (with "git fetch") in Linux then merge to the master after I make changes. I'm still figuring out when to use "git pull" and when to use "git fetch". I think the work I'm doing is so trivial it doesn't matter.

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