Friday, February 3, 2012


I cleaned up my GitHub account and made a repository for my hacked together but very functional security camera program.

I'll be making a few changes to it soon, and I'd like to take this opportunity to get to know Git (and GitHub) better. The first change is to make it more camera and save location agnostic. Those options should be set via command line. Even better I'd like it to auto-locate a local Dropbox folder as a default if no explicit save location is made.

I got a new computer at work so I took the time to proper set up a Python development environment using Eclipse and the PyDev plugin. I'm shuffling my old support case reporting code into a more organized structure. One big change is that I'm trying to use proper classes instead of a big list of functions. Now the big list of functions are a big list of class methods, so maybe I can hang out with the cool OOP kids now, I dunno.

The new Python books are coming in handy. I'm not reading them from start to finish - just using them as a reference.

I feel super bad about neglecting C so far this year. My compromise is that I want to revisit some experiments I ran last summer where I compiled a library in C that I could call from Python. I did the usual "Hello World" stuff, but I want to explore how to create dynamically allocated arrays of stuff in C in a way that Python can then see that data.

I left my C learning progress at a good stopping point. Getting my head around OOP in Python first should help when I revisit Objective-C. Uh, Obj-C and I got in a fight and that's why I walked away from it to cool off. That's a whole different story.

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